ULTRA ECZEMA's DIENSTPLICHT: THE SPACE LADY + Guy Drieghe-Dingenen François Palmyre
"The Space Lady - aka Suzy Soundz, aka Susan Dietrich Schneider - was a regular sight on the streets of San Francisco, particularly the Castro and the Haight areas in the late '70s and '80s. Playing an accordion she'd found in a junkshop and a cheap Casiotone keyboard, she was the living embodiment of an Outsider Artist, mixing songs written by her husband with gloriously downbeat covers like Suicide's Ghost Riders In The Sky, Steppenwolf's Born To Be Wild, Sweet's Ballroom Blitz and Steve Miller's Fly Like An Eagle. Once heard, they will never be forgotten."
"Guy Drieghe-Dingenen François Palmyre bouwde tussen 2009 en 2011 zijn eigen modulaire synthesizer systeem, gebaseerd op Serge modules, Buchla clones en eigengemaakte modules."
- http://www.guyd2.com