Extra Academy: Valérie Mannaerts
Extra Academy organiseert een open programma van lezingen, performances, workshops en screenings rond artistieke praktijk, reflectie en onderzoek. Het platform is er een waarbij deelnemers kennismaken met praktijken en visies die niet of nauwelijks in de media of het kunstonderwijs aan bod komen. Zo ambiëren ze een veel ruimer beeld te scheppen van de gelaagdheid en rijke complexiteit van wat een hedendaagse artistieke praktijk kan betekenen in dialoog met o.a. kunsthistorische, socio-politieke, filosofische en economische implicaties.
Valérie Mannaerts
"A sculptor as much as a painter, Valérie Mannaerts has developed a personal language characterised by her fascination with the real and the surreal. Her oeuvre, which unites the strength of drawing and sculpting, moves between the second and third dimensions. She explores the physiognomic qualities of things, questioning the relation between organic and inorganic forms, the presence and autonomy of objects, and inquiring into the sedimented histories inscribed in them. Availing herself of a diversity of materials, Mannaerts creates hybrid, contradictory and precarious forms that are simultaneously open to chance and formally circumscribed. Her work dwells in the borderline between image and object, in ways that are reminiscent of surrealist and, later, feminist preoccupations with material and image culture, corporeality and states of consciousness. Between defined and undefined form, proximity and distance, the strange and the familiar, there emerges a morphology to which Mannaerts’ work gives a unique and idiosyncratic articulation."