Extra Academy: Laure Prouvost
Extra Academy organiseert een open programma van lezingen, performances, workshops en screenings rond artistieke praktijk, reflectie en onderzoek. Het platform is er een waarbij deelnemers kennismaken met praktijken en visies die niet of nauwelijks in de media of het kunstonderwijs aan bod komen. Zo ambiëren ze een veel ruimer beeld te scheppen van de gelaagdheid en rijke complexiteit van wat een hedendaagse artistieke praktijk kan betekenen in dialoog met o.a. kunsthistorische, socio-politieke, filosofische en economische implicaties
Laure Prouvost (b. 1867, Lieumeconu, France) Lives and works. Here a long list of museums and institutions. A line, interesting things, a coma, a line, a list of residencies and prizes. A selection of solo projects including: an elastic arm hold in tight in Copenhagen, a Swallowing and Breathing in Eindhoven, a Smoking Mother in Copenhagen, a Melting Into Another in Lisbon, an Occupied Paradise in Aalst, Deep See Blue Surrounding You in Venice, Toulouse and Lille; a Waiting Room with objects in Minneapolis, a New Museum for Grand dad in Milano, A tearoom for grand ma in Derry, a karaoke room in Brussels, a new octopus ink vodka bar for Gregor in Rotterdam, A travel agency for an Uncle in Frankfurt, a lobby for love among the artists in the Hague and Luzern... tea bags, and wet floors and tentaculees.
*In the context of the Biosphere concerts on Wednesday October 27th, the lecture series Extra Academy - curated by Nico Dockx, Helen Mauli Dowling and Teun Verbruggen and hosted at cultural center Het Bos- invited renowned French multidisciplinary artist Laure Prouvost to screen her film Deep See Blue Surrounding You / Vois Ce Bleu Profond Te Fondre (the immersive installation that she developed to represent France at the 68th Venice Biennial in 2019) and to hereby create a performative sequence to this cycle of Biosphere concerts and reflect upon the ecological themes of today and tomorrow. An audio-visual, performative work will be created in close collaboration with Francisco Rojas Huertas, Emma Johnson, Lucia Mrakovcic, Maria Sawizki, Alex Smith, and Jenna Vergeynst -all students and alumni of both the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and the Royal Conservatory Antwerp- and which will be performed live on Thursday October 28th at 7pm in Het Bos, including some food made by Charlotte Koopman.
credit image: Laure Prouvost, They Parlaient Idéale, 2019, video still. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Nathalie Obadia (Paris and Brussels), carlier | gebauer (Berlin and Madrid) and Lisson Gallery (London, New York and Shanghai)