Ōgon Batto / Justine Grillet

Do 05 augustus 2021

Ōgon Batto
Bent Von Bent is a Belgian composer and sound artist releasing music under the pseudonym of Ōgon Batto. Besides working as a visual artist around archiving systems and collections, he is also the co-runner of the Hare Akedod label and co-founder of the electronic music duo Spirit&Form (together with David Edren aka DSR Lines). Bent Von Bent hosts a monthly radioshow on We Are Various (WAV), called ‘gemu’, a research project and mutable archive focused on video game music.

Justine Grillet
Deze jonge beeldende kunstenaar / muzikante maakt sculpturen van keramiek en staal en weet daar unieke klanken uit te halen die de basis vormen voor de wondermooie muziek die ze maakt.

GRATIS concert !
Je kan een plek reserveren via ☞ https://ogonbatto-justinegrillet.eventbrite.be