Pizza and Live Music in the Yard | Inne Eysermans re-samples Amatorski
Hand kneaded dough loaded with Otark magic and baked in a wood fired oven, surrounded by plants and musicians.
Otark & de Imagerie are baking pizza at Het Bos in August! --> to celebrate summer --> to help pay off the final part of an unjust fine*.
On Thursday 8/8, we're serving delicious pizza while beloved songwriter, arranger, musician Inne Eysermans re-samples Amatorski's most recent album Curves and Bends, Things Veer.
The wonderous artwork featured on this page was created by Che Go Eun for Amatorski's album cover.
Bring your friends, families, neighbours, dates, pets and roommates! Much love, De Imagerie & Otark
Find the full month's program here.