Omdat iedereen eet, omdat samen eten al langer in onze genen zit dan de ontdekking van diezelfde genen en omdat niets meer verenigt, verbindt en uitnodigt dan een feestdis, organiseert Boslabs op woensdag 27 maart een grote, gastvrije en gezellige gezelschapsmaaltijd na zonsondergang waarop ieder en een en ieder is uitgenodigd.
De jongeren van Boslabs staan in voor de conceptuele uitwerking en wisselen ideeën uit over het menu, tafeldecoratie, eventuele muzikale omkadering, maar even goed over rituelen, tradities of tafelmanieren.
Het Bos vond met Hafsa Elazzaoui & Latifa Saber, Spacebabymadcha en Hussein Shikha de uitgelezen begeleiders/coaches/kunstenaars/experten bereid om de jongeren elk vanuit hun eigen expertise uit te dagen en bij te staan.
Hafsa Elazzaoui and Latifa Saber
Freelance cooks who both have one foot in the arts scene, partly through their co-parenting of BAYA: a creative collective which focuses on slowly adjusting the rhythms of our society through collective work, cultural & artistic exploration and the cultivation of intentional spaces - they hold this space with BAYA’s third member Soukaina Bennani.
As cooks, exploring how food is deeply intertwined within our relationships, our cultures, our identities and our politics, is their bread and butter. When hosting dinners, Hafsa and Latifa underline the importance of what it means to be one with the dinner table and those you’re sharing it with, while playing close attention to each ingredient that’s intentionally brought to the table. “Eating for research purposes” also is a quintessential part of their practice.
For the first time within BOSLABS, Hafsa and Latifa open up the Cooking Atelier. Joined by the kids, they open the search for a communal language to lower the curtain on our food habits; and how food, in our consuming of it, sharing of it and preparing of it, shapes our day-to-day, both consciously and subconsciously. As the pièce de résistance, the cooking atelier invites you to a collective dinner on March 27th where you’re invited at the table to break bread together and share the dishes that shaped their trajectory. (More on this very soon!)
Hussein Shikha
NL: Hussein werkt op het raakvlak van beeldende kunst, ontwerp en onderzoek. Hij verbindt de rijke beeldtaal uit zijn eigen cultuur- en familiegeschiedenis met die van de minstens zo complexe computerkunst. Hij behaalde een masterdiploma Beeldende Kunst aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen en een postgraduaat Research in Art and Design aan Sint Lucas Antwerpen.'
ENG: Hussein works at the intersection of visual art, design and research. He combines the rich visual language of his own culture and family history with the equally complex language of computer art. He holds a Master’s degree in Visual Arts from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and an Advanced Master’s degree of Research in Art and Design at Sint Lucas Antwerp.
"I think people enjoy listening to music because it connects them with that thing that connects us all. Spirit, it makes our spirit speak and feel. suppressed feelings and experiences, feelings and experiences that are supposed to be lived out, so they can be transformed, transmuted into a higher expression of themselves, their evolutionary path of growth and so you could say, music is a physical manifestation of something Godly, something that influences and empowers us. and so For me, creating equals being free, wanting to feel free made me want to be an artist, getting in touch with my deepest self, my ‘godly’ / universal / soul of self-made me wanna be an artist, Being a literal ‘creator’ gives us/me the ability to truly experience freedom, because there are no limitations or rules, so that would be the main reason that I choose this path, besides that Music was definitely my first love, I think it would be weird, not make sense if I would not want a career in this/make a living out of it, I’m head over heels in Love."