Extra Academy: A walk through the Bostopia and Ten Year Sculptures

Do 23 mei 2024

For the occasion of 10 years Het Bos, we invited participating artists to walk us through their work


Extra Academy organizes an open program of lectures, performances, workshops and screenings around artistic practice, reflection and research. The platform that they offer, is one where participants become acquainted with practices and visions that are hardly or not at all addressed in the media or art education. In this way they aspire to create a much broader picture of the stratification and rich complexity of what contemporary artistic practice can mean in dialogue with, among other things, art-historical, socio-political, philosophical and economic implications.


For our 10 year Het Bos festival, we organized a group expo BOSTOPIA, where invited a large group of artists to imagine the future of Het Bos.

Lotte Boonstra made the installation TEN YEAR SCULPTURES. The installation was specially created for the 10-year celebration of Het Bos. It is the first installation in a longer process in which the artist investigates the relationship between people and materials.

For the last Extra Academy of this season, Lotte Boonstra, Justine Grillet, Ayrton Eblé, Joke van den Hof and Nico Dockx guide us through their work. Afterwards we will have dinner together to continue the conversation. Be most welcome, we meet at 19:00 in the exhibition room on the first floor!