◖◖◖Space Force Operations◗◗◗
Since it became well known for us that reality lacks dark matter, we ha!||(+ (
|[- |/[-’|| |/-|||̷̱̋) !̸̪̊̓|| []||̶͔͍͝Once again modern scientist are remaining in a puzzled state. Many questions about the Ring Of Thruth have been unanswerd.|||# '
-|/:/|/[-$ |)[- /\/\[-New observations suggest those galaxies could be part of a string of similarly bizarre objects—the debris from the galactic smashup. '[] ̸͍̍̔[-$(/-\They are inhabited by strange, luminous star clusters. -\|='|'[-/2 $|'|'/
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A new mission is confirmed, in company of some of the finest space oddities. We unfold our wings again on february 3th at Het Bos!- |/ /\/\ '|'#[- |>/ -||
Line up
|Pak Yan Lau
/flapy & sniper
/2 $|
More info soon!