Sound Installed: A Proto KRAAKFEST Hang
An extended weekend of experiential sights & sounds as mental-visual preparation for October's KRAAK Festival at Het Bos!
28 t/m 30 Mei
Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle (FR)
Vincent Van Dijck (BE)
Clara Lissens (BE)
Léa Roger (FR)
As an exercise in mental & physical prep for this October’s KRAAK Fest, KRAAK and Het Bos jumpstart their collab with an exhibition (!) centered around sounds emanating from materials other than human vectors. Through Sound Installed, a small posse of artist-musicians will take over Het Bos and build worlds of sights and sonics to get lost in. Spouting clay fountains, reactive/reflexive magic, bizarre video’d dreams and drapes upon drapes of meaning: each room a realm of its own, each realm a peek into the possibilities that may arise this fall but with far less beer spillage.
vrijdag: 18u-22u
zaterdag: 12u-22u
zondag: 12u-20u
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